Preschool - Bonny Bears

Ages 3 and 4 


Curriculum Overview:   

*  The Bonny Bear class is our preschool classroom.  The curriculum develops pre-reading, pre-writing, and beginning math skills, as well as social interaction and creative processes.  We have one special theme each month (example: In the Circus Ring, Keeping Healthy, Dandy Dinosaurs).   Each month, we also focus on other concepts and topics that will enhance our learning.  We have a monthly number, pair of opposites, nursery rhymes, color, shape, season/holiday, fairy tale, and most importantly, Bible story.  God is a very important part of our classroom.  He is spoken of openly as the personal and caring God that He is.  We make an attempt to always acknowledge Him in our classroom as well as in every aspect of our lives.


Schedule or Routine:

6:30 AM Free Play in Bonny Bear room 
7:30 Outside Play (weather-permitting) or  free play inside 
8:45 Clean-up and bathroom 
9:00  Circle Time, Calendar, Weather, Bible 
9:45  Snack and Stories 
10:00 Hub 1: theme-related activity or Chapel, Gym, Music 
10:30 Hub 2:  theme-related activity -- art, dramatic play, cooking, 
       large muscles, manipulatives, science, etc.  
11:00  Outside Play (weather-permitting) or centers inside 
11:30 Bathroom, Beds, Bedbags 
12:00 PM Lunch 
12:30   Stories with our Teacher  
1:00 Nap time  
2:45  Wake-up!  Beds and Bedbags away and Bathroom 
3:10  Snack 
3:30  Outdoor/Free play until parents pick up 


Additional Information:

*  The children in this classroom are excited about learning, wanting to know “why,” playing imaginatively with their friends, exploring their own unique brand of creativity, wanting to “do it by myself,” in need of comfort and reassurance as they explore a bigger world.